Overview of Rate Limiting in Flowstack

Rate limiting in Flowstack allows you to control the number of requests and the volume of data that can be sent to your API within a specified time window. This feature helps in managing the load on your system and ensures fair usage among users.

Setting Up Rate Limits

You can configure rate limits through the Flowstack dashboard. The process involves specifying three key parameters:

  1. Number of Requests : This is the maximum number of API requests allowed within your defined time window.
  2. Number of Tokens : This represents the total number of tokens that can be processed in the given time window.
  3. Time Window : This is the duration, in seconds, over which the rate limits are applied. It defines the rolling time window for the rate limit calculation.

How Rate Limiting Works

  • Application of Limits : The rate limits are applied based on whichever quota - the number of requests or the number of tokens - is reached first within the defined time window.
  • Dashboard Configuration : To set or adjust your rate limits, navigate to the rate limits page on your Flowstack dashboard. Here, you can specify the limits for requests and tokens, as well as the duration of the time window.
  • Example Scenario :
    • Suppose you set a limit of 100 requests and 10,000 tokens within a 60-second window.
    • If you reach 100 requests in 45 seconds, the rate limit will kick in, and further requests will be temporarily blocked until the window resets.
    • Similarly, if you process 10,000 tokens in 30 seconds, the rate limit will apply, pausing additional data processing until the end of the 60-second window.